How to change player's package?

Hi there!

I’m trying to change the player package to one that I desire the player to have, my goal is this:

When using the HumanoidDescription, it only gives me the options for R6:

Screenshot (16)

Also, I tried to manually change the MeshID’s but that gives this strange affect:

(I’m not talking about a StarterCharacter for clarification)

I appreciate any help!

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Well, this could be useful. Remove the packages and then probably add some (or just change them)

I dont want to remove all packages though, I want to add my own…

“Or just change them”
You could do that

First of all, its only for R6, second, I don’t know what the ID’s are because it doesn’t say…

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That works for R15 and R6 [limt]

But if I wanted to make the arms like this:

What’s the ID’s? Where can I find the ID’s for the packages?


For this, publish your game and go to Game settings > Avatar and scroll down. You can replace the ids of the current body parts to the ones you’d like.

For your preference shown above, you’d use the “Robloxian 2.0” Arms, found in the marketplace here and here. The rest would be the standard Roblox character, which is easy to find on the marketplace as well.

if you have any other concerns, you can search the DevForum for exactly what you’re looking for, or just tell me what the problem is.

Hope this helps you out!

I made this:

  local HD = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").HumanoidDescription
  HD.Head = 0
  HD.LeftArm = 27112052
  HD.LeftLeg = 0
  HD.RightArm = 27112039
  HD.RightLeg = 0
  HD.Torso = 0
  HD.Parent = player.Character

Also this:

		local HD = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").HumanoidDescription
		HD.Head = 0
		HD.LeftArm = 27112052
		HD.LeftLeg = 0
		HD.RightArm = 27112039
		HD.RightLeg = 0
		HD.Torso = 0
		HD.Parent = player.Character

It doesn’t work.

Have you tried following what I’ve listed above?

Yea, it worked for the arms, but when I put the value “0” for the other limbs (because I want the other limbs to be default) it doesn’t work.

Instead of the ID “0”, replace them with 1.

This should fix it. I easily found this on the DevForum, so you might want to dig around a bit more before posting a potentially repeated topic. There are no scripts needed for this, only some settings.

That model has a humanoid description, if it doesn’t then change your avatar to that and take the description from that. You can import your character using the moon animator plugin.

Change your description to the new one.

If it doesn’t then change your avatar to that and take your description from that.

Huh? You can easily change avatar type for players using game settings. There aren’t any scripts needed. He’s looking to change the avatar package of all characters in his game.

Look at the image from the first post, they don’t want the full package just some.

Exactly, which is what I said in the post above yours. There is no need for that process, just changing the ids in game settings will turn out the same result.

They are trying to change a r15 model? I’m still not really getting it lol.

I did that, but studio doesn’t let me save “1” as an avatar setting, I get this error: