How to change R15 package?


I want to change the package of my R15 character every time it spawns in game to the classic blocky package. I searched the internet and devforums for a solution but all of them don’t work.


Do you want blocky R15 or blocky R6?

I wants the blocky R15. asdiasdjaisjdia

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Here’s the script that I use to remove all packages, works with both R15 and R6.

		-- Make sure we're working with a workspace character.
		while not character.Parent do
		-- Sometimes character loading is really weird, I'd rather be safe than sorry in regards to grabbing a reference to the humanoid.
		local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 5)
		if humanoid then -- If the humanoid does not exist, don't try to work with it.
			local descriptionClone = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.CharacterAppearanceId)
			descriptionClone.Head = 0
			descriptionClone.LeftArm = 0
			descriptionClone.LeftLeg = 0
			descriptionClone.RightArm = 0
			descriptionClone.RightLeg = 0
			descriptionClone.Torso = 0

Thanks. It works great, how come no one else has come up with this script?

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They have. You can find similar scripts all over the place on the DevForum.


How come it changes my avatar scaling as well? I only want it to change my avatar package, not scaling. I look flat with this.

You can adjust the avatar scaling by setting the scale properties of the Humanoid Description.

Below is an example of setting the scales to the default avatar sizing:

local descriptionClone = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.CharacterAppearanceId)
descriptionClone.HeadScale = 1
descriptionClone.DepthScale = 1
descriptionClone.WidthScale = 1
descriptionClone.HeightScale = 1
descriptionClone.ProportionScale = 1
descriptionClone.BodyTypeScale = 0

API Documentation for each scale property:
Head Scale
Depth Scale
Width Scale
Height Scale
Proportion Scale
Body Type Scale (Rthro)

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The script shouldn’t affect scaling at all. Have you accidentally changed something in game settings?

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I don’t think it’s my problem, or I haven’t gotten a correct solution yet. Even if I try UnderMyWheel’s script I am the same fat as before.

That’s 100% not what this forum is meant for. He posted asking for help, not to be criticized.

I’m still looking into a solution to your problem. Sit tight! :+1:

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