How to change Profile Picture, Name and Display Name on the Developer Forums

I’ve noticed that a lot of people have trouble changing the profile picture, name and display name on the developer forums, so I decided to make this topic to help them

1. Pressing the Profile Picture

If you notice the button next to the hamburger, It shows your current DevForums profile picture. Press on it, Do not press your profile picture in a post


If you pressed the wrong button, it will put this:


The profile picture will still appear, but clicking on it will send you to your Activity tab, then you will get an unclickable profile picture at the top corner below the :roblox: Developer thing, but the profile picture in the post will send you to an loophole, JUST PRESS THIS:


If you currently have a notification, then It will guide you to the button, It will be hard for visitors unless they follow an Member+ user or is in a private message with a Member+ user [very unlikely outside of discobot messages]

2. Going to the Preferences Tab

Since you opened it, It will put your notifications, It would look something like this:

If you press the user icon, then it will look like this:


3. Pressing the “Log Out” button

Just press it, but I’m going to do it in my @GameInspectors account because I am writing this tutorial on my @VSCPlays account, then the page should look like this

4. Press “Log In”

When you press it, You will be greeted with this OAuth screen

Press “Continue”, If you were greeted with this “Authorization Timed Out” thing, Just try again and see if it worked

5. Review your Profile Picture, Name and Display Name

It may not look changed until you look at your post or your profile, or even refresh the page


An alternative way is by logging in to a different browser/device, if you only have one browser/device, then that alternative method won’t work