How to change the density (or mass) of an object

Issue without background info

Hello, I’m trying to set the mass of a part with as script. How do I do this? I have tried the following methods just to be met with ‘read only’ errors

Method 1: changing mass directly

local car = workspace.Car
car.Chassis.Mass = 2.51


Method 2: changing mass by changing density in customPhysicalProperties

local car = workspace.Car
car.Chassis.CustomPhysicalProperties.Density = 2.51



  • customphysicsproperty is enabled
  • I can manually change it

background info

Hello, I’m trying to make a program to quickly rig cars and I am having an issue with weight distrubution.

Because weight distribution is hard to detect in roblox, I am opting to perfectly distribute the weight of my car by making everything massless and making a single part that is the length of the car weigh a specific mass.

The issue is that I cannot change these properties through a script because I am getting an error saying read only:

  22:56:04.990  Unable to assign property Mass. Property is read only  -  Edit


Density cannot be assigned to

Nevermind I asked the roblox ai code assistant and after debugging its explanation I got this code which works:

	local car = workspace.Car
	local chassis = car.Chassis
	chassis.Massless = false	
	local currentProperties = chassis.CurrentPhysicalProperties
	local newProperties =, currentProperties.Friction, currentProperties.Elasticity)
	chassis.CustomPhysicalProperties = newProperties

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