Hi! I’m having trouble setting the orientation of my projectile using the FastCast Redux Module…
Does anyone know how to change the Projectile’s orientation to face the direction it’s going?
I feel like it has to do with the LengthChanged function, but I don’t know how to do it. Please help thanks!
local function onLengthChanged(cast, lastPoint, direction, length, velocity, projectile)
if projectile then
local projectileLength = projectile.Size.Z/2
local offset = CFrame.new(0, 0, -(length - projectileLength))
projectile.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(lastPoint, lastPoint + direction):ToWorldSpace(offset)
--How do I change the projectile's orientation to face the direction it's going? Btw I'm using a MeshPart and I've tried using a Part with Special Mesh, but it still didn't work as intended