How to change the Orientation of the players head?

Alright, so to start off with what I want to happen. I want when the player clicks a button, it fires a remove this works fine, but I want it to move the player’s head down. When I change the orientation the head does not move, but the orientation changes. I was unable to find any other dev forum posts on this.

	if player then
		player.leaderstats[StatName].Value += AmountToGive
		player.Character.Head.Orientation =,-15,0)

If you know, please let me know, thanks!

try this

	if player then
		player.leaderstats[StatName].Value += AmountToGive
		player.Character.Head.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(player.Character.Head.Position,,-15,0))

Wouldn’t you use an Animation | Roblox Creator Documentation for this?
I know if a player’s head/torso joint gets broken then the player dies, so maybe that fact doesn’t allow you to just CFrame it.

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The orientation of the head is held by the neck motor6d. You need to set the CFrame of the c0 or c1 property in order to maintain a proper rotation. Also, there’s a humanoid property to disable death without a neck motor6d.

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This just makes their body rotate, as has a weld in it.