I am currently trying to change the speed at which the default walking animation plays. If you don’t know what I mean by this, when you press WASD on your keyboard your speed changes straight to the walking speed, on mobile/Xbox however, you can walk slower than the walk speed and when this is done a walking animation appears instead of the running one.
I am a very unskilled scripter and I have no idea how to start this, help would be greatly appreciated!
If you want to nerf everyone to a walking speed, you could edit the CharacterWalkSpeed property of StarterPlayer down a bit. If you’re talking about changing the speed where the animations fade between walking and running, you’d need to edit the weight and/or speed calculations in the Animate localscript that arrives on every character or create your own.
That’s not what I’m trying to do, I’m trying to modify the animate script so that the walking animation plays when the players walkingspeed is higher than the default speed.
You can grab the animate script by testing your game, going into Workspace, finding your character model then copying the “Animate” localscript. Exit testing and paste it back in somewhere and you have a copy you can edit. It’s a little ugly to read though. *You’d need then to replace the stock Animate script with your own; you could hold it in server and on a .CharacterAdded event kill the old one and swap yours in.
You dont even have to delete the old one, when the character is being created all scripts in the StarterCharacterScripts will be put into the character. And if there already is an “Animate” script in there roblox will not add another one to the character.