How To Change This Boolean On Client?

I’ve been making a round system in my shooter game, everything works awesome but one thing: When new Player wants to join an existing round, he can’t. There is a part of the script in ServerScriptService, it is based on the value in ReplicatedStorage.

function loadMap(mapName:string)
	local newMap = maps[mapName]:Clone()
	newMap.Parent = workspace

	game.ReplicatedStorage.Booleans.Playing.Value = true --value in ReplicatedStorage, that allows existing players to join a new round, but new ones can't because the value is "false" for them
	game.ReplicatedStorage.Booleans.Intermission.Value = false -- ignore it, it's for timer

	currentSpawns = newMap:WaitForChild("Spawns"):GetChildren()

	return newMap

How do I implement this to new players in optimized way to not have a bunch of dognails? Any help is appreciated!


You can use Players.PlayerAdded. And just to clarify this only works locally. For example,

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)

–Do what you want to do here

If its globally then try using a remote event,


You need to add a PlayerAddedEvent to detect when a new player joins and then you can decide what you want to do with the new Player in order to integrate them into the round,.

	--add code here

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Imma try both of these, hope that’ll work for me rn

So I made this piece of script in ServerScriptService (1) and Local Script (2), but .PlayerAdded event doesn’t fire even on platform. What possibly can I do? Or my local script needs to be in some specific place? Or the game must be public?


	rs.IsAvaliable:FireClient(plr, game.ServerScriptService.DogNails.IsAvaliable.Value)


local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.IsAvaliable

event.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(plr, val)
	game.ReplicatedStorage.Booleans.Playing = val
	warn("event fired:", game.ReplicatedStorage.Booleans.Playing.Value, val)

It doesn’t even print in the output, I have no idea how to work with this. I’ve been testing this with my testers to make a player join later than server starts, and that didn’t work too : (

Hmm maybe try putting the plrs.PlayerAdded into the server script instead of using remote events by doing for example game.Players.PlayerAdded. I have made a mistake I forgot that PlayersAdded also work globally :sweat_smile:

Didn’t mention that I did it too, but as always, didn’t work. So I just remade the code logic to be independent from RemoteEvents. Thanks for help anyway and have a great day! :smile: