How to change your programming font to normal

Recently Roblox updated the new default, and it looks bad in my eyes. If you want to change it back to normal, then this tutorial is for you.
You’d think it would be easy, but actually there’s multiple settings you need to change.
DISCLAIMER: Yes, this was said in the update post, but it was unclear and took me a while to figure out. That’s why this is going in community resources and not tutorials.

Step 1:
File–> studio settings
Select the Studio tab
Search font and set it to the below

Make sure you select 8 under size.
Step 2:
Go to the Script Editor tab, and update the font as in Step 1. Make sure the size is set to 10.

My mistake when I tried this the first time is that I only updated the property in the Studio tab, which only changed the output.

This resource may be taken down, idk, hopefully it did help you.

EDIT: The original output font is actually MS Shell Dlg 2: 8pt : regular. I’ve updated my post to reflect that.


Now it looks like this, which it usually didn’t.
There is too much spacing.

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Yeah. But this is sadly a new Roblox update, but me and @TheDarth_Dot are looking into it to fix it!

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I’m having that issue as well. If you can, post a bug report. This happens with the default option as well.

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do you know if custom fonts will ever be added?

Roblox has a list of fonts you can choose from for the script theme (it is currently not possible to add a custom one). As for in-game, you can use this github module that converts a .ttf or .otf so it’s Roblox compatible.

this should be in community tutorial and not reaources pls change it anways good tutorial

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It’s possible, easily. Just download a font, preferrabily from and install it. Then, you will be able to pick it in the script editor.

This isn’t extensive, it’s more of a PSA. It’s fine here and should be here. If you have concerns about the category of a topic, please flag it for moderator attention or PM the user instead.

P.S. IIRC the old output font is Arial 8pt, not Courier New 10pt. Check that out and see if it matches the old font. I do believe the Script Editor specifically used Courier New but not the output.

I wish Roblox just brought along Fira Code with the ligatures and everything if they wanted a Fira font and not just monospacing without the other goodies. :frowning: post made by vscode gang


Yeah, I mainly use vscode for the liveshare feature. I’ll update the post on the output font tomorrow, thanks for letting me know!

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The default output font was actually MS Shell Dlg 2 (8pt). Try that and see if it works.

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For the output, change it to Calibri 10pt. normal.


THANK YOU! This is almost exactly the original.

Yeah, that seems to match perfectly. Thank you everyone for your help.