Recently, when I go into studio test mode, it’s smooth and fine for about a minute, then right after that, it gets super laggy when I try to turn my camera. I’m not sure if that would be due to the number of parts in the place or something else. Does anyone have any recommendations for me to check what is lagging?
You can use the microprofiler to see what is taking a toll on your computer and affecting performance. More information can be found in this video.
I’ve tried it out. The orange bar at the top starts out rather flat but soon afterwards, it spikes up and down.
It seems to be performance issue, so parts. I tried shifting some buildings into server storage but it still lags.
I think that it is due to the sheer number or parts present because you aren’t even looking at the parts so the viewport has to render them. I don’t think that moving some buildings into server storage is going to fix it. You are either going to have to cut down on the part count entirely or just keep working with the lag.
Could it be the number of unions? But oddly, why does the lag start in the middle of nowhere. I mean I was walking around smoothly for about a minute and yet it didn’t lag. The lag also somehow starts at the same time. Wouldn’t part lag occur when you start the game?
Yeah I suppose so… are all of your parts anchored? This happened to we a while ago and it turns out the whole landscape was ‘exploding’ in slowmotion.
Well, mostly. I’m making a costume made of parts, so basically, I’m welding parts to the player. And for the player to continue moving, the parts welded will have to be unanchored. Will this be the problem? I’ll try changing my unions to meshes and see if that helps. Also, do you happen to know how to check the part count for my place?
I don’t think the costume is the issue. It 's only a small number of parts that are unanchored.
This probably wouldn’t help either. Meshes are no better for performance than unions because the only thing that matters is triangle count, not part count.
Sorry, no I don’t.
Well, that’s annoying. Any possibility my computer or studio has some sort of virus? I really feel that I haven’t used all that many parts.
That’s I unlikely. As I’m now out of suggestions, it’s probably a good idea to see someone else’s opinion.
You can use a plugin I made a while ago to check the part count, it’s available here. If not, I’m pretty sure it’s available within studio In the performance
@RedDuck765 Thanks for all your tips and suggestions but I have a feeling it isn’t triangle count problem. I’ve tested using a tablet and it work multiple times better than my computer. It’s probably just my computer’s problem. Turned and off and rebooted and it began working well again.
@Mighty_Loopy Thanks for the link, I think you may have the answer that I was looking for. However, when I rebooted my computer, the FPS error seems to have disappeared so I currently don’t need to turn off vsync (for now) but it is a useful link - I’ll definitely look at the link again when I need help with similar issues. Thanks!
@EerieContinuuooom Thanks for your suggestion. I’ve managed to find the performance tab and part count. I’ll put your plugin into consideration so that I can more quickly access the part count.
Youn can check your FPS by pressing F3, the lower it is, the laggier it is.
My frame rate lag is back is worse than before. I think it’s a problem with Mac only. I read up more on this lag issue and it seems that you can’t disable vysnc for Mac.
It’s so bad that I it feels like my Mac has a virus. Does anyone have any solutions?
It would be helpful if you gave more constructive feedback such as what you can then use Fraps for. It doesn’t help the problem if you just leave it at that.