How do I check if the TextBox’s text have 6 letters and prevent player from entering more text?
To restrict a TextBox’ text to a maximum of 6 characters, you can use an approach such as this:
local textBox = script.Parent -- path to your TextBox
local MAX_LENGTH = 6; -- the maximum amount of characters in the textBox
local function UpdateTextBox()
local currentText = textBox.Text
if currentText:len() > MAX_LENGTH then -- only re-assign text on.Changed IF it's > max length, or else you can create an infinite loop.
local newText = currentText:sub(1, MAX_LENGTH) -- :sub(1,6) will grab everything between the 1st and 2nd index of the string, inclusive.
textBox.Text = newText
textBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(UpdateTextBox) -- fire UpdateTextBox every time textBox.Text changes.