I thought this would be straightforward, but I have found nothing else like this question on the forum. I have a CFrame which I want to check if is behind my player’s camera. I do not want this to be mixed up with it not being on their screen, I want it to strictly be BEHIND the camera’s position & orientation, preferably with a 180* margin.
Raycasts are not a viable option, as the code is running in parralel.
I have tried
local ObjectSpace = bone.WorldCFrame:inverse() *cam.CFrame;
local MaxDistance = 20;
local Run = true;
if ObjectSpace.Z < 0 and (cam.CFrame.p - bone.WorldCFrame.p).magnitude >= MaxDistance then
Run = false;
But this half worked and would not update when the camera turned around,
Many thanks!
-- I'm going to assume the target CFrame is called 'target' and the Camera is 'camera'
local toTarget = (target.Position - camera.CFrame.Position).Unit
local dot = camera.CFrame.LookVector:Dot(toTarget)
if dot < 0 then
-- target CFrame is behind camera
-- target CFrame is not behind camera
If my math is correct, when the dot product is negative that means the two vectors are pointing in the opposite directions and so the target CFrame should be behind camera.
yes, thats true, i also use the dot product to check if a player is looking at another player, so this is the same concept, but to reach something more like what is described in the picture, i would change the threshold of the
if dot < 0 then
if dot < -.2
or something similar to that, you need to play around with the numbers
ive printed these dot products that i use in my game, going all around the back of a character, and these were the results
in this example, dot is approximately -0.1 so it would still count (use characters’ head as reference point, which i guess would count as “area not on camera but shouldnt be considered”)
(imagine the head of the green dummy as the camera, and mine as the cframe)
if i am wrong, please correct me, and also dont listen to miserable_haven