So I am trying to make a system where it will check if all of the GUI buttons are green, specificly (0, 85, 0) in RGB and am not sure on how to check if all of the TextButtons in the folder have that background color.
Here is what it looks like in the explorer:
I want to check if those TextButtons all have the same RGB background (0, 85, 0) from a local script inside of the GUI.
-- define buttonFolder as a variable
for i, v in ipairs(buttonFolder:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("TextButton") then
if v.BackgroundColor3 == Color3.fromRGB(0, 85, 0) then
-- do stuff lol
So this would check if all of them were green? I need to to know if every single button is green and not just a singular one. For example, if one was red then the code wouldn’t run, but if it were all green then it would run.