How to check if a player liked the game?

I have been trying to find a way to give a player an ingame reward for liking the game, although I have been getting a lot of errors from my code

The most prevalent being

I have also seen a lot of people talking about how it is a TOS violation, but I have seen a game with over 1.3K Concurrent players have a system like this for just under 2 years with 0 consequences.

If you are wondering what the rule is.

  • Do not create promotions offering prizes of any sort (including contests, raffles, lotteries, chain letters or any kind of giveaway). It is okay to offer players promo codes for in-game items only so long as they are not in exchange for something (e.g., in exchange for a thumb up on your game).
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local test = HttpService:GetAsync("")

Any help is appreciated!!

The fact that someone else is doing it doesn’t mean that you can. When you do things that are explicitly against TOS (which this is), you invite moderation action.

You could take the Cookie Clicker approach to rewarding users. The highest tier of Patreon backer in Cookie Clicker is called “Herald”, and all players get bonuses based on how many Heralds there are. Obviously, you can’t do this with Patreon backers, because that’s also against TOS, but you can do it with Likes.

You could set bonus thresholds based on likes and invite your community to meet them, then grant rewards for meeting those thresholds. That means that players who like the game are supporting everyone, and it puts an incentive in place for players to get other players to “like” the game.


Thank you for the advice! I’ll just do this.

Just so you’re aware, that API endpoint only works for the authenticated user (the user currently signed in). There is currently no available method that allows you to query if or not a user has rated an experience and what that rating was (thumbs up or thumbs down).!/Votes/get_v1_games_universeId_votes_user

For those who liked game, can we ask: “We see that you like our game, would you like to comment on why you like our game?”
Same for dislike, if we do this will we be breaking the rules?

That is not against ToS. The restriction here is rewarding the player for liking the game (hence, many of the likes are fake)

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Is this still against ToS? I’m seeing a rise of frontpage games that are implementing this system. For example, void fishing.

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It’s against ToS, and many games do it but they don’t actually check. For example in bladeball, they have chests for liking the game and joining the group, but they only give the rewards if you join the group. Many players don’t know that and end up liking the game as well.


Might be kinda lawyerish here, but it says you can’t tell people to like the game for a reward, not that they can’t rate the game for a reward. That’s probably how games get around it…

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Love it,
Front page games and lots of games do it but they get it scotch-free.

I say 1 tiny thing bad about Roblox or their staffs ignoring innovations forums and I get warned like 100 times :clap:

Watch this going get flag by some random guy and then this get moderated again.

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