How to check if a user has a certain stat already?

First post here. Finally, I can do this. Anyhow,
I Basically just want to check if the user has a stat (in the datastore). Let me explain in a bit more detail by giving an example

if the user does not have the “Cash” stat saved to datastore, set it to 0.
if the user does not have the “Hats” table saved to datastore, set it to {}

I cannot find anything like this, but I’ve did things like this (despite the fact GetAsync only has 1 argument)

	if not DataStored:GetAsync(Player.UserId,Cash) then

To check if a user has a certain stat already, you can use the GetAsync method from your datastore.

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")

local playerId = 123456789 -- Replace with the player's UserId

local cash = playerDataStore:GetAsync("Cash_"..playerId)
if cash == nil then
    -- The player does not have a "Cash" stat saved in the datastore, so set it to 0
    cash = 0
    playerDataStore:SetAsync("Cash_"..playerId, cash)

local hats = playerDataStore:GetAsync("Hats_"..playerId)
if hats == nil then
    -- The player does not have a "Hats" table saved in the datastore, so set it to an empty table
    hats = {}
    playerDataStore:SetAsync("Hats_"..playerId, hats)

We first retrieve the “Cash” and “Hats” values from the datastore using GetAsync, and then check if they are nil. If they are nil, we set “Cash” to 0 and “Hats” to an empty table ({}) using SetAsync.

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Thanks, Would I just have to do if DataStored:GetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId) == nil then

(just asking since other solution is large, if needed i’ll go with it though!)

That was just an example of how you set your default stats for the player.
A complete implementation:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")

local function getPlayerData(player)
    local playerId = player.UserId
    local playerData = {
        cash = 0,
        hats = {}
        -- Add more player data fields as needed
    local savedData = playerDataStore:GetAsync("Data_"..playerId)
    if savedData ~= nil then
        -- Merge saved data with default data
        for key, value in pairs(savedData) do
            playerData[key] = value
        -- Save default data to datastore for new players
        playerDataStore:SetAsync("Data_"..playerId, playerData)
    return playerData

local function savePlayerData(playerData, player)
    local playerId = player.UserId
    playerDataStore:SetAsync("Data_"..playerId, playerData)

-- Example usage:
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(workspace.Player1)
local playerData = getPlayerData(player)

-- Update player data = + 100
table.insert(playerData.hats, "Top Hat")

-- Save updated player data
savePlayerData(playerData, player)

we define two functions: getPlayerData and savePlayerData.

The getPlayerData function takes a player object as an argument and returns a table containing the player’s data. If the player’s data is already saved in the datastore, the function retrieves it using the player’s UserId as a key, and merges it with default data (in this case, cash set to 0 and hats set to an empty table). If the player’s data is not found in the datastore, the function saves the default data to the datastore for new players. The function then returns the merged or default data as a table.

The savePlayerData function takes a player data table and a player object as arguments, and saves the data to the datastore using the player’s UserId as a key.

In the example usage section, we first get the player object and their data using getPlayerData. We then update the player’s data (in this case, adding 100 to their cash and inserting a “Top Hat” to their hats table). Finally, we save the updated data to the datastore using savePlayerData.

Would this conflict with using Number Values? My current datastore inserts a ton of number values (and converts tables with folders) into a ‘Stats’ folder inside the player for ease of use.

If anything simpler than above possible, I just need something to scan over the data stuff and set any values that arent stored yet to a base value, so i can add new ones without wiping data.

In this case, you could try the first code snippet I provided.

Would I just have to do if DataStored:GetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId) == nil then


Would something like this work?

		local CashRR = DataStored:GetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId)
		if CashRR == nil then
			CashRR = 0
			DataStored:SetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId, CashRR)

(CashRR is the variable name since Cash is taken by the NumberValue)

(just asking because when i tried this my datastore died)

If CashRR is a NumberValue, then you must extract the Value from the NumberValue.

		local CashRR = DataStored:GetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId)
		if CashRR == nil then
			CashRR = 0
			DataStored:SetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId, CashRR.Value)

You can read more here

No, Cash is the NumberValue and is defined earlier. CashRR is a purely coded value

Can you post your full script here? So I can have a clearer view of what your datastore script look like?

----/ Services & Instances \----
local Datastoreservice = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Ver, Context = 0, "pre-alpha testing 1"

local DataStored = Datastoreservice:GetDataStore("DataV"..Ver.." Context: "..Context)

----/ Variables \----

----/ Functions \----

function LoadData(Player)
	if Player then

		local leaderstats ="Folder")
		local Cash ="NumberValue")
		local Power ="NumberValue")
		local Hats ="Folder")
		leaderstats.Parent, leaderstats.Name = Player, "Stats"
		Cash.Parent, Cash.Name = leaderstats, "Cash"
		Hats.Parent, Hats.Name = leaderstats, "Hats"
		-- cluster of data normal values
		local CashRR = DataStored:GetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId)
		if CashRR == nil then
			CashRR = 0
			DataStored:SetAsync("Cash_"..Player.UserId, CashRR)

		local data 

		local function LoadList(dataL, folder) -- converts numbers to strings, change back in scripts with toNumber
			for i = 1, #dataL do
				local p ="StringValue")
				p.Name = i
				p.Parent = folder
				p.Value = dataL[i]

		local s, e = pcall(function()
			data = DataStored:GetAsync(Player.UserId)
			Cash.Value = data.Cash
		if not s and e then warn(e) end

function SaveData(Player)
	if Player then
		local leaderstats = Player:FindFirstChild("Stats")
		local hatData = {}
		local function SaveHats()
			local hatsCh = leaderstats.Hats:GetChildren()
			for i = 1, #hatsCh do
				local t = hatsCh[i]

		local data = {Cash=leaderstats.Cash.Value,Hats=hatData}
		local s,e = pcall(function()
			DataStored:SetAsync(Player.UserId, data)
		if not s and e then warn(e) end

----/ Connections \----

(also yes, the hats arent set yet, im still just asking questions about this)

Try this:

----/ Services & Instances \----
local DatastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Ver, Context = 0, "pre-alpha testing 1"

local DataStored = DatastoreService:GetDataStore("DataV"..Ver.." Context: "..Context)

----/ Variables \----
local DefaultHats = {}

----/ Functions \----

function LoadData(player)
	if not player then

	local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
	if not leaderstats then
		leaderstats ="Folder")
		leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
		leaderstats.Parent = player

	local cash = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Cash")
	if not cash then
		cash ="NumberValue")
		cash.Name = "Cash"
		cash.Parent = leaderstats

	local hats = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Hats")
	if not hats then
		hats ="Folder")
		hats.Name = "Hats"
		hats.Parent = leaderstats

	-- Load Cash value
	local cashData = DataStored:GetAsync("Cash_"..player.UserId)
	if cashData == nil then
		cashData = 0
		DataStored:SetAsync("Cash_"..player.UserId, cashData)
	cash.Value = cashData

	-- Load Hats value
	local hatsData = DataStored:GetAsync("Hats_"..player.UserId)
	if hatsData == nil then
		hatsData = DefaultHats
		DataStored:SetAsync("Hats_"..player.UserId, hatsData)
	for key, value in pairs(hatsData) do
		local hatValue ="NumberValue")
		hatValue.Name = tostring(key)
		hatValue.Value = value
		hatValue.Parent = hats

function SaveData(player)
	if not player then

	local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
	if not leaderstats then

	-- Save Cash value
	local cash = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Cash")
	if cash then
		local cashData = cash.Value
		DataStored:SetAsync("Cash_"..player.UserId, cashData)

	-- Save Hats value
	local hats = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Hats")
	if hats then
		local hatsData = {}
		for _, hatValue in pairs(hats:GetChildren()) do
			if hatValue:IsA("NumberValue") then
				hatsData[tonumber(hatValue.Name)] = hatValue.Value
		DataStored:SetAsync("Hats_"..player.UserId, hatsData)

----/ Connections \----

The updated code includes several changes to improve the functionality and efficiency of the original script:

  1. The script checks if the player already has a leaderstats folder and the necessary NumberValue instances before creating new ones. This prevents duplicates and errors.
  2. The script sets the Cash value to CashRR after loading from the datastore if it was nil, so that the value is always initialized to 0 if it does not exist.
  3. The script loads the Hats data as a table and iterates over the key-value pairs to create new NumberValue instances with the correct name and value.
  4. The script saves and loads data using the appropriate datastore keys for each value.
  5. The script handles errors when saving or loading data by simply returning early if the player or data is nil.

These changes make the script more robust and efficient, by preventing duplicate instances, initializing missing data, and handling errors in a more meaningful way. Additionally, the script now saves and loads data using distinct keys for each value, which makes it easier to manage and modify data in the future.

Alright, I’ll try this out. Thanks!

It works! I need to quickly change the name of leaderstats to Stats again though, because I dont want them showing up in the playerList

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Actually, I began using this script and it does not work for my game. The issue is the fact it only saves once per type of hat, and my game is a type of simulator, so you may have multiple of the same one, which is causing many problems. I am not sure how to go about this, and I may have to discontinue the project without a fix.

for now, i will try attaching a unique identifer at the end with an index.

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