Hello everyone,
currently I am making an Outfit Loader game, but there seems to be a bug which makes the queue get stuck (Bad Request 400) as soon as a banned user gets requested.
I am trying to check if the string returned by the API is the error/banned string and if it is that it skips the queue for that user.
The error string (on the API) I get when the user is banned is:
{"errors":[{"code":1,"message":"The specified user does not exist.","userFacingMessage":"Something went wrong","field":"userId","fieldData":6}]}
But when I click on the 400 in the console (when I enter a banned user), it redirects me to the local script in the request button:
This is the server sided script:
-- not needed anymore
I already tried running a check in a local script which will call a remote event which skips the queue but it does not seem to work.
Does anyone have an idea what I can still can try?
You can send a request when the server is invoked, before adding the player to the queue to check whether the player is banned, here is some code using the ROBLOX API:
local isBanned = function(UserID)
return game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("https://users.roproxy.com/v1/users/" .. shared.userId))['isBanned']
if isBanned(shared.userId) == false then
-- User is not banned
Do I have to put this into the serversided script or local script? When I try to put it in the local script, it returns an error (…Request.LocalScript:26: attempt to concatenate string with nil).
All you need to do is insert the function anywhere in your script, and then call the function when checking a user, after you get their user ID as shown in the example.
if isBanned(shared.userId) == false then
-- User is not banned
There might still be a problem. I do not know what causes this, but when I try to run a check if isBanned == true and then print(“abc”), it does not print anything and just errors Bad Request 400 in the console. For isBanned == false, the checks work.
This is the code that runs the checks:
--BanCheck Function
local isBanned = function(BanCheck)
return game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("https://users.roproxy.com/v1/users/" .. shared.userId))['isBanned']
local checkPlayer = function()
if #requests >= 1 then
local userId = (requests[1])
local data = httpService:JSONDecode(httpService:GetAsync(shared.baseUrl1..userId..shared.baseUrl2))
if data then
if isBanned(userId) == false then
elseif isBanned(userId) == true then
_G.PlayerNameText.Text = "User Terminated / Error"
_G.Items = 0
shared.IsOnRequests = false