How to check if multiple part are Transparency = 1 with an if statement

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To make an if statement which checks if multiple unique parts are Transparency=1/transparent

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Not being able to check

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

Tried finding something about this around the developer hub and I did try the tables but it don’t seems to work well.

Hi, just loop through all the parts. If one of them is not equal to transparency 1, then break the loop and return “success” as false.

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I don’t believe you can in lua, if overhead isn’t a problem then the best other option is iterating through all your parts

local success = true
for _, TargetPart in model:GetChildren() do
	if TargetPart.Transparency == 1 then continue; end -- just avoiding another scope here, you can change this if you don't like it
	success = false

if success then
	-- blah blah
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So I tried to use that and adapt it to my script and I added a new model to test it out, made the part transparent, and it still don’t end up with success, so Idk if I did anything wrong.
Here is my script if you want to check it out :

local ReplicatedStorage =  game.ReplicatedStorage.KeysRemote.KEYCHECKER
local ProximityPrompter = script.Parent

	local success = true
	for _, TargetPart in game.Workspace.test:GetChildren() do
		if TargetPart.Transparency ~= 1 then continue; 
		success = false
	if success then
		print("not success")

oh sorry I misread your post, the code I provided was checking if all the parts aren’t transparent, you can replace the ‘not equal to’ operator ~= with an ‘equal to’ operator == to fix it

Thank you ! It works perfectly!

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