How can I check if roblox DataStoreService is down with a script? I am trying to make a script that when the DataStoreService is down then take the user out of the game (kick).
What do you mean by “roblox DatastoreService is down”?
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Well, when services are unavailable due to downtime?
you can wrap the loading of data inside a pcall. If in any case it fails, you can kick them like so:
local success, response = pcall(function()
--Data loading stuff here
if not success then
warn("Failed to load data.")
plr:Kick("Your data failed to load")
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You could wrap : GetDataStore in pcalls to see if it failed or not
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I believe you can go check out some available APIs related to that and maybe use HTTPService?
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That’s correct, after investigating, a found a website that it’s connected to the roblox status page:
I can do an HTTP request on that URL and get the JSON file.
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how does this work around plrs who are first joining the game though??