Im trying to check if something is in a dictionary.
It says here that Dictionarys cant use #TableName, so is there a way to check this?
I am a little unsure of what you’re asking here. If you are asking to check for something specific in a dictionary, that’s very simple:
local dictionary = {
["something"] = true
if dictionary["something"] then
-- You found something in a dictionary
If you are otherwise trying to figure out how many items are in a dictionary, that’s fairly simple as well presuming you aren’t dealing with nested tables and recursion:
local dictionary = {
["something"] = true;
["something else"] = true;
["something else else"] = true;
function GetAmountOfItemsInDictionary()
local amount = 0
for _, v in ipairs(dictionary) do
amount += 1
return amount
Hopefully this answers your question.
You’ll need pairs
there instead of ipairs
Also @Meat_Make are you just asking what a dictionary is and when you can and can’t use #
Hello! What i started to do is put a dictionary instide a table, inside a table so:
local Table = {
{["Thing"] = 1381, ["Other Thing"] = "Yummy in my tummy"]},
{["Oof"] = 83719, ["Other Oof"] = "Hello"]},
Idk if this will be helpful to you, but for instance when i use datastores from now on, and i need to index the data, i can use tables within tables within tables to accurately get each number as it comes when i return a for i,v in pairs(table).
local passwords = {
["CoderHusk"] = "glitterbug1618";
["qu9090"] = "sciencenerd278";
["APUGLIFE"] = "mondays314"
local targetUser = "CoderHusk"
--Index method, we know the person who has it
--Class method, we don't know the person who has it
local function scan(tab, target)
for i, _ in pairs(tab) do
if tab[i] == targetPass then
return tab[i]
print(scan(passwords, targetUser))