Sorry if the title is confusing.
How do I detect the color of a team and insert it into a table. I have written the code below, but it doesn’t work. I get this error: white is not a valid member of BrickColor. What do I write instead of TeamColor.white?
local playableTeams = {}
for _, team in pairs(game.Teams:GetTeams()) do
if team.TeamColor ~= team.TeamColor.white then
table.insert(playableTeams, team)
Since TeamColor is a BrickColor value, when you check the value of TeamColor, you need to check it against another brick color value
local playableTeams = {}
for _, team in pairs(game.Teams:GetTeams()) do
if team.TeamColor ~="PUT COLOR NAME HERE") then
table.insert(playableTeams, team)
So TeamColor is a value in the form of BrickColor, and that’s how you can compare it!
Something like this:
if team.TeamColor =="White") then
print("Color is white!")
There’s tons of other ways to get a BrickColor than just it’s name though.
You can get it through RGB like this:, 0, 0)) – red
You can get it randomly like this:
BrickColor.Random() – Random :T
You can call each colors specific function (not really sure why this is a thing but it is!) like this:
BrickColor.White() – White
Or you can get it from the really old system of color IDs. You remember how games would like tell you to put in a color id for some things? Well each BrickColor has an ID, and you can put that in like this: