How to check if TextBox only contains Letters?

Surprisingly, I couldn’t find any resources on this topic. I am current creating a system where you can select your own Name inside of the game, but I ran into this issue of how to check if the Name only contains letters. Any help would be appreciated.

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You can use string.match() for this.

local str = "testTEST test"

if string.match(str, "[%a%s]+") == str then
	--@ only letters, and spaces
	--@ anything else

I think it’d be better just to check for anything EXCEPT letters:

local str = "testus3rname"
if str:match("[^a-zA-Z]+") then
    -- oh no guys it has forieng entities!!
    -- no special characters or numbers

Of course, this fully depends on what the OP wants. This version does seem to cut down on length a bit, but I’m not sure about performance (it’s regex, so it should be pretty good.)

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