How to check if the game is loaded?

I’m currently making a sign up custom ui for player’s and the intro function should be called when game loads succesfully.

I trıed using the game.Loaded:Connect(Intro) but that also didn’t worked.

Here is the script.(unfinished)

the print also wont work too.

Extra details:
-The script is Client.


Usually I just add in a small delay of 1 or 2 seconds however if you want to you could find how many object are in the game while in studio then just keep looping through how many there are when the player joins until the amounts are equal

The problem is on mine.because my game loads SO slow than everybody’ my pc is the most slow loader.and this also helps to break the scripts because of loading.
Example:My pc loads the roblox doors game in 7 minutes.(you already know this)

If the script is on the client (LocalScript), try using this:
repeat task.wait(0.2) until game:IsLoaded()

I’m going to be mad because all my progress are lost because of this IDIOT studio update :rage:

Not necessarily. Just add that line at the top of your script, and then change the game.Loaded:Connect(Intro) to task.spawn(Intro)

works fine :+1: :smiley: now i can continue doing my custom ui

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