How to check the player's limiteds in a GUI?

Hello there,
i hope you have a nice day,

I’ve got an question. How do you check a players limited items with a gui? Because Trading Hangout has it too. Does it work with Rolimons? HTTP Service? How does it work?

Can someone just write me an example if you know it, i’m super bad with http service, never scripted with it before.

G’day, @Florentin5434

Essentially what games like trade hangout are doing to display player’s inventories is using a proxy - something like, although it’s HIGHLY recommended to make your own because public proxies are unreliable. The client cannot access external Roblox APIs inside the game - the proxy is handling this for you. You’re correct, you’d be using HttpService to access this information. You can reference the documentation for HttpService here.

Can you write me an example of how this would work? I’ve never scripted with it before.

There are plenty of examples of how to use HttpService demonstrated all over the devforum as well as youtube. If you’re a complete novice, finding a tutorial would teach you far better than a short post on a forum could.

I dont script with HTML, i’ve never worked with it before, this would take much time, a small example would really help.