How to check what direction a player is falling to

i’ve been looking around and i cant find any thing about this so im making this pose

any ways im looking for a way to check what direction a player is falling to so like falling forward or falling straight down something like that

any help is appreciated :smiley:

In that case, what you can do is take the current position of the player and then wait for some time for example 3 seconds and then subtract the current position from the last position.
So now imagine some player’s character is falling from above so if his last position was
(5,20,5) and now his current position is (5,10,5) you can understand his lead is affecting the Y-axis meaning he is falling down.
Hope you understand what is happening :wink:
it will be way more efficient if we can wait the lowest amount of time possible.


ohh i tried it it works really well thx alot :smiley: