How to check which player's boolvalue value is true

I only know that i should use

for i = 1, #game.Players:GetChildren() 

right? then i have no idea what should i do

To check which player’s BoolValue value is true, you need to add a conditional statement within the for loop that checks each player’s BoolValue. Here’s an example code:

for i = 1, #game.Players:GetChildren() do
    local player = game.Players:GetChildren()[i]
    if player:FindFirstChild("BoolValue") and player.BoolValue.Value == true then
        print(player.Name .. "'s BoolValue is true!")

This code loops through all the players in the game, and for each player, it checks if they have a BoolValue and if its value is true. If the player’s BoolValue is true, it will print out their name and a message indicating that their BoolValue is true.

Note: I would recommend to replace Players:GetChildren() with Players:GetPlayers().

Players:GetPlayers() returns a list of all currently connected players in the game, as instances of the Player class. This method automatically filters out any non-player instances, such as GUI elements or other objects that may be in the Players container.

Players:GetChildren() returns a list of all children of the Players service, including both player and non-player instances. This method does not filter out non-player instances and returns all children of the Players service, regardless of their type.

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i dont know but that doesnt work even though i changed getchildren to getplayers

You can try using a for loop with pairs instead


for index, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
   if player:FindFirstChild("Your BoolValue's Name", true).Value == true then
       print("The player's BoolVaue is true!")

not working…


I am unable to assist you since you didn’t provide more information.
If you show me the script I’ll be able to debug it.

for i = 1, #game.Players:GetPlayers() do
    local player = game.Players:GetPlayers()[i]
    local tagger =  player:FindFirstChild("tagger")
    if tagger and tagger.Value == true then
        print(player.Name .. "'s BoolValue is true!")

Make sure that tagger exists before running that code.
I am not sure when you created it, but it is not included in the script.

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Edit: No need for this comment since you updated your code.

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