How to clear all prints/warns in my game no matter the text in brckets?

I want to use the replace function with roblox to clear all my print()'s in my game please can someone help me with this?

replace print with --print

might work.

if all your prints are on a single line.

i know there is a way to remove them completely though. I just forget the thingy

You care about ‘clean’ code way more than I do. :slight_smile:

It is just to clean up the console a bit debugging is starting to get hard!

You can’t “clear” them, But you can use certain tools provided on the Output and In-game. As you can see on the image below, There’s a bin - Simply click it and everything’s gonna be gone.


But you can also use the Developer Console and toggle the Keys, They’re gonna remove everything related to what you’ve chosen to not see. Beware that they won’t delete it completely but it’ll just hide it.

if you comment them out they will not show in the output, but they will still show in the script search results