So I’ve recently been making this boat and its one of the first boats I’ve made, I have this problem where water is inside the boat and I don’t know how to clear it or hide it. I’m using terrain water.
(Sorry if this is suppose to be in scripting support, I don’t really know which category to put this post in)
In my pirate game, I got around this by using the glass transparency bug. I’m not sure if it will work with terrain water, because my water was just a part with a texture on it, but all I did was put an uncancollided part at the bottom of my ship where I wanted to remove the water, then I made it glass and made the transparency very close to 1. The water inside and below the glass should disappear.
Edit: the water part also needs to be transparent (hence why I put a texture on it)
If you’re using terrain water, you can use the ‘erode’ or ‘subtract’ terrain tools to remove the water by hand just as you would normally with terrain. Just be sure that ignore water is ticked to off, otherwise you won’t be able to effect it.
I personally don’t know much about scripting, but I found some articles on the Devforums and the Roblox dev site. Links are here: Digging terrain Scripting terrain
Hope this helps!
This effect also works with terrain water and is currently the only known way to get the effect you want. However, it may not be reliable as the bug may be fixed someday. Make sure the water has some transparency for the effect to work.
Roblox may add a update to where the parts in the terrain can not go through parts, but for now there is nothing you can do except for what @BaggyChris stated.
You could try to use the erode tool in your terrain setting to very erode the water out of the boat. If you want it to be good looking you will have to know how to cut terrain good so the water doesn’t look unnatural
You can edit terrain in real time via code, but none of the methods are inherently easy. Moreover, you’d want to run them on the client, which may cause conflict with your boat motion if your boat is reliant on the water for its physics calculations while the client is the network owner.
I don’t remember well but If you really really had to you could remove the water terrain in that position and evrrytime it moves add it back again, it would vost performance and visual pleasance