Hey so as an example of what am asking.
Lets say I put a bodyvelocity in a player which will send them forward very fast
if I delete this bodyvelocity the bodyvelocity will TECHNICALLY stop pushing the player but the player keeps getting pushed (as it slows down before it completely stops.) How can I make it so when I destroy a body velocity it will completely stop the player from getting pushed anymore?
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You can anchor the player’s humanoid root part to make them stop. OR you can make the max force on the body vel 0,0,0 THEN delete it
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I actually have already tried this.
basically I have a roll script but I don’t want it to work midair since its rolling and you should only really gain speed from that if your grounded. If the player is midair I want to completely stop them from moving. Detecting when they are midair isn’t a problem. Stopping their roll is.
I solved this by changing the assemblylinearvelocity of the character to 0,0,0