How to connect my hat and back accessories with a custom tube that looks normal

I am trying to connect a scuba mask hat accessory, to a scuba tank back accessory. I have a cool tube I made that I want to connect them with, so I put the tube into the hat accessory. I lined it up to the spot of where I want it to connect to the tube, but it is inside the hat accessory. It looks totally fine when doing everything except for swimming. When the character swims it makes his head go in weird positions that make it not line up anymore. Is there any alternative way I could set this up so that it connects the tube that I made to the hat accessory and the back accessory without being out of place. I tried using rope but the problem was that it was in the characters face when in first person.


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Instead of it being just a single part, divide it into multiple parts and join them with something like hings.

It does work to connect them together that way but then there just be a line instead of a curve to the tube

Just use the same mesh, divide them into a ton of parts (however many works for you) and mess around with constraints. Hinges are kinda stiff and have 180° rotation so they are pretty flexible too. Can you show me how it looks now?

Heres a video of how it is right now. It makes the curve stiff, and kind of wack. It also caused me to slowly drift for no reason. I tried turning off can collide but it didnt change anything for it.

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