How to connect parts in Blender?

How do I connect that plane with the 2 planes without it glitching together?
I just started learning Blender and I can’t find the right tutorial for this.

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you could just make the parts touch then select the parts then click ctrl + J to join the parts together, or you could also select the base part and then make loop cuts and then extrude the side


How do I make the parts touch? (I can’t reply below ## characters?)

you can select the 2 parts you want to connect, then go to side edit mode and select the side you want to connect to the other side you want to connect it to by holding shift to select both parts then you can press F to connect them, if it stretches you can make loop cuts and then line them up to the part

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To the right of the magnet at the top, hit the drop-down menu and select edge. Go into edit mode, select the edge you want to move, press g and y, hold control, and hover over the edge you want to snap it to.