You’'d need to specify what DataStore you’re wanting, and the placeId it’s originating from - hence I had experience with another plugin that solely serves the same purpose.
As of currently, you’re printing out a service and its children - returning 0.
I don’t think that’s possible - only specifying the exact DataStore you’re wanting.
You’d be able to get the number of datastores, childrens, in a place - however, it doesn’t consists of properties such as .Name, making it useless. DataStoreService:GetGlobalDataStore()
local dds = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
--it could possibly support properties (such as .Name), but it can't even find any
In the future, DataStoreService:ListDataStoresAsync() will become a function - and I’m pretty considerate it’ll supervise in your objective. It’s not in the API yet, therefore it’s not usable.
i see i’ll leave this post open(although i don’t know how to close it; had to ask the staff to do so) for further information
i wanted to make a datastore editor for fun and created layout and stuff
i want it to produce datastores available and the user could edit the key, value as they wish