How to connect two UI objects with a line


Hey devs! Recently, I needed to connect two GUI objects with a line, but I ran into some challenges.
There was unfortunately not enough ressources and the forums were not clear enough and that will help my case. However, I managed to figure it out and just wanted to share how I solved it. I hope this helps anyone who might be facing a similar issue!

In this forum, I’ll be going over how to:
Connect 2 GUI Objects with a frame line
Connect a frame with the mouse location using a frame line

However, when it comes to making these 2,
it may be a bit tricky because its important we take in consideration the the 'IgnoreGuiInset' property in the screenGUI.

You can learn more about IgnoreGuiInset and :GetGuiInset() here.

Anyways, Here’s the function that I made for Connect 2 GUI Objects with a frame line:

local gui_service = game:GetService("GuiService")

 -- Dont mind the function name, it works with any UI Object, not just frames
local function Connect_frames(F1, F2, Frame)
	local guiInset = gui_service:GetGuiInset()
	local screen_ui :ScreenGui = F1:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("ScreenGui")
	local inset_enabled = screen_ui.IgnoreGuiInset

	local F1Pos = F1.AbsolutePosition
	local F1Size = F1.AbsoluteSize
	-- Calculate the center of the first frame
	local F1Center = F1Pos + (F1Size / 2)

	local F2Pos = F2.AbsolutePosition
	local F2Size = F2.AbsoluteSize
	-- Calculate the center of the second frame
	local F2Center = F2Pos + (F2Size / 2)

	-- Take the IgnoreGuiInset in consideration
	F1Center = F1Center + (inset_enabled and guiInset or
	F2Center = F2Center + (inset_enabled and guiInset or

	-- Calculate the difference in X and Y coordinates between the centers of F1 and F2
	local Distance =, F1Center.Y) -, F2Center.Y)
	local Difference = F1Center - F2Center
	-- Calculate the midpoint between the centers of F1 and F2
	local CenterPosition = (F2Center + F1Center) / 2

	-- The angle between F1 and F2
	Frame.Rotation = math.deg(math.atan2(Difference.Y, Difference.X))
	-- Position the frame at the midpoint between F1 and F2
	Frame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(CenterPosition.X, CenterPosition.Y)
	-- Set the size of the frame to span the distance between F1 and F2
	Frame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Distance.Magnitude, 1)

And here’s how it should be used:

local F1 = ... -- Your frame or label or whatever
local F2 = ...
local Frame ="Frame", Parent) -- the connecting frame
Frame.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)

Connect_frames(F1, F2, Frame)

Here is a video showcasing how Connect_frames works:

However, when it comes to Connect a frame with the mouse location using a frame line the state of IgnoreGuiInset affects both the positions of the mouse location and the frame,
I managed to find a way to make the mouse and the frame connect correctly no matter the state of that property, here’s the script:

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local gui_service = game:GetService("GuiService")

local function Connect_frame_mouse(F1, Frame)
	-- Get the current mouse location on the screen
	local mouse_location = uis:GetMouseLocation()
	-- Get the GUI inset to adjust for any screen GUI offsets
	local guiInset = gui_service:GetGuiInset()
	local screen_ui :ScreenGui = F1:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("ScreenGui")
	local inset_enabled = screen_ui.IgnoreGuiInset

	local F1Pos = F1.AbsolutePosition
	local F1Size = F1.AbsoluteSize
	local F1Center = F1Pos + (F1Size / 2)

	-- Adjust the mouse position for GUI insets to get the correct position on the screen
	F1Center = F1Center + (inset_enabled and guiInset or
	local mousePos = mouse_location - (not inset_enabled and guiInset or
	local Difference = F1Center - mousePos
	local Distance =, F1Center.Y) -, mousePos.Y)
	-- Calculate the midpoint between the frame center and the mouse position
	local CenterPosition = (mousePos + F1Center) / 2

	-- Set the rotation of the frame to match the angle between the frame center and the mouse
	Frame.Rotation = math.deg(math.atan2(Difference.Y, Difference.X))
	Frame.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(CenterPosition.X, CenterPosition.Y)
	Frame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Distance.Magnitude, 20)

And here’s how it’s setup:

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local gui_service = game:GetService("GuiService")

local F1 = ... -- Your frame or label or whatever
local Frame ="Frame", Parent) -- the connecting frame
Frame.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)

Connect_frame_mouse(F1, Frame)

Here is a video showcasing how Connect_frame_mouse works:

And those are pretty much all the use cases
for connecting 2 GUI objects, you can do it with anything
'TextLabels', 'TextButtons', etc...

And of course you can change the connecting line visually:

local Frame ="Frame", Parent) -- the connecting frame
Frame.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
Frame.BackgroundColor = ... -- Any color you wish!

As for the size of the line, you just need to do the following inside the function:
Needs to be adjusted manually, you can set it as a parameter in the function if you wish.

local my_size = 10
Frame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Distance.Magnitude, my_size)

With both functions connected and some creativity
You can achieve something similar to the Among Us wire connecting puzzle like so :tada: :

Hope this helps fellow developers!
If you have any questions or run into any issues, feel free to ask. :wave:


Some unnecessary stuff you did but here is how I would do it:

local function Connect_frame(F1, F2, Frame)
	local F1Pos = F1.AbsolutePosition
	local F1Size = F1.AbsoluteSize
	-- Calculate the center of the first frame
	local F1Center = F1Pos + (F1Size / 2)

	local F2Pos = F2.AbsolutePosition
	local F2Size = F2.AbsoluteSize
	-- Calculate the center of the second frame
	local F2Center = F2Pos + (F2Size / 2)

	local Difference = F1Center - F2Center

	-- The angle between F1 and F2
	Frame.Rotation = math.deg(math.atan2(Difference.Y, Difference.X))
	-- Position the frame at the midpoint between F1 and F2
	Frame.Position = F1Center:Lerp(F2Center,0.5)
	-- Set the size of the frame to span the distance between F1 and F2
	Frame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Difference.Magnitude, 1)

Good post though! Good for beginners. Also, you could use the new Path2d instance as well now which is more performance friendly!


Appreciate the comment. The rotation is now calculated like you suggested
However your lerping part wont work because F2Center is a vector2
And thanks for pointing out the Path2d instance, never know about it

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Oh yes! I was actually on mobile so I didn’t got time to double check that, but you could just lerp it as well and it would be much more simpler.

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Alright, I’ll try your approach thanks anyways! :slight_smile:

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Cool tutorial, yes im the guy from developer hangout

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For some reason this wont work for me no idea why…

can you show me what you put in your script and what happens?

I used both of the functions you provided, I used the first function (connect_frames) and I tried to connect the red frames together, but the line isn’t anywhere near the actual frames as shown in the 1st screenshot

I also used the other function (connect_frame_mouse) and it just made the line at a random position as show in the 2nd screenshot, is there any requirements for the UI?

(The scripts are the same ones as you provided I made the F1 and F2 variables for the frames)

hmmm, I think it has to do with your ui structure, can you show me how that looks
if this problem persists, a good alternative is 2D Path
which I didn’t know about while making this, anyways I’m pretty sure it has to do with the ui structure and I dont have any time to make a fix around that issue, so 2D path should do the job.

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Oh!! I forgot about the 2D Path as well, I will just use that as I don’t wanna cause any inconvenience. Thank you for your help!

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is there way that we can make the line from offset into scale? so mobile Users can use it?

i already tried but i don’t have idea about that yet