So I have an R6 NPC that has to swim and I notice, it doesn’t even complete 1/4th of MoveTo(). The NPC moves for only like 5-6 seconds. It travels a tiny distance and stops nowhere near its destination.
local npc = script.Parent
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
npc.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 10
local button = game.Workspace.Button.ClickDetector
local destination= game.Workspace.Destination
local function moveto()
if player and player.Character then
So, the question is, how do I continue MoveTo so that it continues until the destination is reached?
We can implement the proposed solution here pretty easily by adding onto the moveto you have provided:
local function moveto()
local Finished = false -- Whether or not the humanoid has reached its destination
Finished = true -- The humanoid reached its destination!
task.delay(8,function() -- After 8 seconds check if the humanoid reached the destination
if Finished then return end -- If they did, do nothing
moveto() -- Otherwise we call the function again to keep moving
With this, the moveto function will recursively call itself until it reaches its destination.
Thanks for the detailed information, it was quite useful, it’s a triple A quality response, I appreciate it.
Implementing your code worked. I felt the need to decrease the 8 second timer though, because I found that doing so reflects a more effective/natural result (especially in water which is what I was working with). Decreasing it to 1, 2 or 3 can make a significant difference for any developers that are interested in using Stef’s code.
Once again, thanks for the info and your assistance. Absolutely loved your topic reply.