How to convert C1 to CFrame

Right now I’m trying to code welds CFrames
I try to copy the C1 doing this, -0.307, -0.009)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(90),0)

but when I do this it shows as this
What would be the solution to this?

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You must get the LookVector of the C1 and Get the Position of the C1.
This code may not be the best, but the best I can think of., -.307, -.009)) * CFrame.lookAlong(script.Parent.C0.Position, script.Parent.C0.LookVector).Rotation -- > Position =  1.774, -0.307, -0.009; Orientation = 90, 90, 0

You can also just Copy the weld’s CFrame

Angles will behave differently when there are 2 arguments in the rx and ry

EDIT 2024, November, 29

if you wanted to get an orientation of 90, 90, 0 with the angles constructor.
you would need to do this

CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, math.rad(90))

C1 is already a CFrame. Weld.C1.Position → Position of the CFrame.

-- Or whichever other multiplier you need to use - just copied
-- the one from the OP.
Weld.C1.Position * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(90), 0))

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