Right now I’m trying to code welds CFrames
I try to copy the C1 doing this
CFrame.new(1.774, -0.307, -0.009)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(90),0)
but when I do this it shows as this
What would be the solution to this?
Right now I’m trying to code welds CFrames
I try to copy the C1 doing this
CFrame.new(1.774, -0.307, -0.009)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(90),0)
but when I do this it shows as this
What would be the solution to this?
You must get the LookVector of the C1 and Get the Position of the C1.
This code may not be the best, but the best I can think of.
CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.774, -.307, -.009)) * CFrame.lookAlong(script.Parent.C0.Position, script.Parent.C0.LookVector).Rotation -- > Position = 1.774, -0.307, -0.009; Orientation = 90, 90, 0
You can also just Copy the weld’s CFrame
Angles will behave differently when there are 2 arguments in the rx and ry
EDIT 2024, November, 29
if you wanted to get an orientation of 90, 90, 0
with the angles constructor.
you would need to do this
CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, math.rad(90))
C1 is already a CFrame. Weld.C1.Position → Position of the CFrame.
-- Or whichever other multiplier you need to use - just copied
-- the one from the OP.
Weld.C1.Position * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(90), 0))
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