How to convert fbx files to rbxm files

How do I convert fbx files to rbxm? I have a model that is fbx and i have no idea how to convert it and i cant find anything on google. if someone can please help ty


You can just import the model into Studio, right click the model in the explorer, and then click “save to file”. It should automatically be a rbxm file.


I cant insert it, it wont show up. I’m sorry if i seem dumb im not a modeler


Do you have the model in Roblox Studio at all? Or did you delete it?

@Crazedbrick1 You’re doing this backwards. He’s trying to convert it into a roblox file. I’m remembering how to do it right now.

Go to the Asset Manager, and press this button

Then look for the file, and click open.
I’m not fully sure the rest, but that’s mainly how you do it.


No i dont have it in studio when i click “open from file” and i go to my folder nothing shows up

this is in the folder and when i try to insert it into roblox it wont show up thats why i want to convert it into a roblox file

this is the same folder when i try to insert it into roblox studio

So basically i just want to import a fbx file into roblox studio and its not showing up

4.7mb for a single .fbx file is ridiculously large. I doubt this is an fbx file and if it is, its gotta be millions of triangles. Roblox’s current limit is 10,000 triangles. You probably wont be able to import this either way…

But yeah what the guys before me mentioned is correct, go to studio > asset manager > meshes > import > your file. Then right click your asset in the explorer once you insert it into studio > save to file. And there you go, it is now a .rbxm file.

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Can you open this model with Window’s 3D viewer and press S then send a screenshot?

This fbx file looks to be the whole scene. My largest fbx import file is 52kb. The pieces need to be exported individually (or at least by material) with under 10k triangles each, then reassembled in Roblox.


@edvin712 Hello, i have a video for you change the fil. Test, the link: How to Change File Type on Windows 10 | Change File Extensions | Simple & Working - YouTube