July 2, 2024, 8:20pm
I am working on a project and I couldn’t find any script that can do this for me; they all bug something. How can I convert it without bugs?
Not sure what you mean, I’m going to assume that you mean you want to create your GUI within a script instead, I found a few plugins that I haven’t tested yet that might help
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This is a good way to do it however that plugin was last updated over 4 years ago so some things could be broken. Personally, I would just convert the UI manually by creating it systematically in a script.
July 2, 2024, 8:38pm
I’ve already tested these, they don’t work well in my case.
Most UI’s can be replicated quite easily when you script it yourself. Just have to go piece by piece.
The general scripting term is serializing converting instance objects to script by only recording the data of which properties to change/are unique.
There is also this plugin which does it for you if you pay but there is a demo version.
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Codify v2 converts Roblox Instances into code snippets in a flash. Whether you use vanilla Roblox Luau, TypeScript JSX , or a framework like React /Roact , Fusion , Vide or Rojo , Codify’s got you covered!
Codify supports all Instances available in Studio. This means you can generate code snippets for anything from GUI to models.
Codify v2 is available on the Creator Store and Itch.io. You can find the links b…
Serializing resource:
RBLXSerialize v0.7
a ROBLOX serialize that can serialize most ROBLOX DataTypes, Instances and all of their children.
Supports the majoirty of roblox instances and datatypes.
An early version of RBXSerialize (rewrite) has been released.
What is serialization?
This module acts as a all-in-one to a solution of “How Can i store obejcts in a datastore”. To learn more about what seralization is i recommedn reading this
What DataTypes are supported?
Summary String
General tutorial on serializing
This article is the answer to the famous question “How to save objects using Datastore” and many other ways to word it.
If you played with Datastore for enough time, I think you already know that Instances such as parts and models ect. can’t be simply saved using :SetAsync(), which makes it hard to save objects. Most people, with games that are supposed to have slots and stuff on them that you want to save, get stuck when doing this, although, I think finding a way to go over this is quite eas…