How to convert string to table?

Exactly what the title suggests.
Here is what I’m trying to achieve:

local t = "{213, workspace, 'hello'}"

How would I go about removing the quotation marks (The function I use returns string and theres no way to change it)

You can use string.split(s, ", ")
But it won’t remove the {
Something like this:

local s = "213, workspace, 'hello'" --Your string table without the brackets.
local tab = string.split(s, ", ") --Seperate every , 

But it’ll return a string table, so to use numbers you can use tonumber(s[1]). However, I am not sure about the workspace, maybe you can use game:GetService(s[2]), and s[2] is the service name.

local t = "{213, workspace, 'hello'}"

local Split = string.split(t, ", ")
Split[1] = Split[1]:sub(2)
Split[#Split] = string.sub(Split[#Split], 1, string.len(Split[#Split])-1)

What if I had a table like this:

	Test1 = 1,
	Test2 = "Hello",
	Test3 = workspace

That’s a bit more complicated, I would split the , first, then split each one of them in the = , hold on, I’ll write an example:

Here’s my example:

local strTab = "{Test1 = 1, Test2 = 'Hello', Test3 = Workspace}" --The string table
local realTab = {} --The real table
strTab = string.gsub(strTab, "{","") --Remove the {
strTab = string.gsub(strTab, "}","")--Remove the }
local tab2 = string.split(strTab, ", ") --Split every ,
for i = 1,3,1 do
	local tab3 = string.split(tab2[i], " = ") --Split it on  = 
	tab3[2] = string.gsub(tab3[2], "'", "") --Remove the '' of the string if there are any
	if(tonumber(tab3[2])) then --If it's a number
		realTab[tab3[1]] = tonumber(tab3[2])
	elseif(game:FindFirstChild(tab3[2])) then --If it's in the game (service)
		realTab[tab3[1]] = game:GetService(tab3[2])
	else --If it's none of the above, it's probably a string
		realTab[tab3[1]] = tab3[2]
print(realTab) --Print the table

@happygeneral2015 After some trying, I managed to get it working, I basically split it 2 times, one time for the , to have every object in the table separated, and second time the = to get the Index [“Test1”] and the value 1. And then I just checked what it is (string, number, service etc).

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You can do that using 2 methods.
1: Manually converting table to string.
2: Using httpservice.

-- method 1
-- manually converting a simple table into a string

local function tabletostring(array)
	local content = "{\n";
	for i,v in pairs(array) do
		local str = false;
		if typeof(v):lower() == "string" then
			str = true;
		i,v = tostring(i),tostring(v);
		if not str then
			content = content..i.." = "..v.."\n";
			content = content..i..' = "'..v..'"\n';
	content = content.."}";
	return content;

local t = {
	Test1 = 1,
	Test2 = "Hello",
	Test3 = workspace

local strtable = tabletostring(t);




Test3 = Workspace
Test1 = 1
Test2 = "Hello"


-- method 2
-- converting table into a string using httpservice
local http = game:GetService("HttpService");

local cooltable = {
	Test1 = 1,
	Test2 = "Hello",
	Test3 = workspace

local str = http:JSONEncode(cooltable);





If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!