I think the title says it all, however how do I convert the offset of a ui corner to scale
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Uhh… I don’t think UICorner matters for scale or offset, the only property it has for ‘size’ is CornerRadius
and it’s only calculated in pixels. Just setting the Parent
of UICorner
to scale, should make UICorner
scale respectively with the parent, maybe even with offset. (Not sure if this is what you’re looking for)
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If you mean converting the Corner offset scale in pixels to a Scale percent?
If thats what your looking for just divide the AbsoluteSize
value into the Corner size offset value to get a 0.0 - 1.0 percentage which then can be set via script.
Something like this:
CornerUI.CornerRadius = Udim.new(CornerUI.CornerRadius.Offset/FrameUI.AbsoluteSize.X,0)
You should try this method:
local UICorner = nil -- UICorner object here
local CornerRadius = UICorner.CornerRadius
local rectWidth = UICorner.Parent.AbsoluteSize.X
local rectHeight = UICorner.Parent.AbsoluteSize.Y
local Radius = math.min(math.min(rectWidth, rectHeight) / 2, CornerRadius.Scale * math.min(rectWidth, rectHeight) + CornerRadius.Offset)
Radius = Radius/rectHeight
UICorner.CornerRadius = UDim.new(Radius,0)