Hello everyone!
I created a drawing system in offset and I need to convert it to scale. Any ideas on how to do that?
Thank you
Hello everyone!
I created a drawing system in offset and I need to convert it to scale. Any ideas on how to do that?
Thank you
You can convert offset to scale by taking the child’s offset and dividing it by the parent’s absolute size.
This is the drawing system code:
local xPos = Mouse.X
local yPos = Mouse.Y
local paintCloned = paint:Clone()
local offset = Vector2.new(math.abs(xPos - canvas.AbsolutePosition.X), math.abs(yPos - canvas.AbsolutePosition.Y))
paintCloned.Size = UDim2.new(0, size, 0, size)
paintCloned.Position = UDim2.new(0, offset.X, 0, offset.Y)
paintCloned.ImageTransparency = 1
paintCloned.Parent = canvas
if num == 2 then
num = 1
Frame2x = paintCloned.Position.X.Offset
Frame2y = paintCloned.Position.Y.Offset
Frame2 = paintCloned
num = 2
Frame1x = paintCloned.Position.X.Offset
Frame1y = paintCloned.Position.Y.Offset
Frame1 = paintCloned
if Frame1 and Frame2 ~= nil then
posX = (Frame1x + Frame2x)/2
posY = (Frame1y + Frame2y)/2
local newLine = Instance.new("Frame")
newLine.Position = UDim2.new(0,posX,0,posY)
local distanceX = Frame1.AbsolutePosition.X - Frame2.AbsolutePosition.X
local distanceY = Frame1.AbsolutePosition.Y - Frame2.AbsolutePosition.Y
local distance = Vector2.new(distanceX,distanceY).Magnitude
newLine.Size = UDim2.new(0,distance+10,0,size)
local y = Frame1.AbsolutePosition.Y-Frame2.AbsolutePosition.Y
local x = Frame1.AbsolutePosition.X - Frame2.AbsolutePosition.X
newLine.Rotation = math.atan2(y,x)*180/math.pi
newLine.Name = "BackgroundThing"
newLine.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0.5)
newLine.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
newLine.BorderSizePixel = 0
newLine.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
local corner = Instance.new("UICorner")
corner.CornerRadius = UDim.new(1,0)
corner.Parent = newLine
newLine.Parent = canvas
As shown, it is all in offset
I’m not going to directly modify your code right now so instead here’s a helper function, implement as you will.
local function GetScaleComponents(Object, ParentOverride) -- Pass your frame/whatever here. Not .Size/etc.
local Parent = ParentOverride and ParentOverride or Object.Parent or error("Invalid argument #1 to GetScaleComponents, Instance has no parent!", 2)
assert(typeof(Parent) == "Instance" and (Parent:IsA("ScreenGui") or Parent:IsA("SurfaceGui")), "Invalid Parent type for GetScaleComponents!", 2)
local ASize = Parent.AbsoluteSize
local Position = Object.AbsolutePosition
local Size = Object.AbsoluteSize
local Scaled = {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(
Position = UDim2.fromScale(
return Scaled
-- Example usage:
local A = Instance.new("Frame")
A.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(1920,100)
local B = Instance.new("ScreenGui", game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)
A.Size = (GetScaleComponents(A, B).Size)
A.Parent = B
Hope that helps.