i want to know how to create a ball that followes the nearest player. But personally I have no idea how to start.
I know it has to do with receiving the humanoid of a player ingame and going to the position they are, but how would this be scripted if the ball has no humanoid with their own walkingpeed to reach the player?
local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local humanoid = script.Parent
local root = humanoid.Parent.PrimaryPart
local targetDistance = math.huge -- follow distance.. (math.huge = an infinite number, you could make it 20 or something..)
local stopDistance = 10 -- stopping distance..
function FindNearestPlayer()
local nearestPlayer = nil
local distance = nil
local direction = nil
for _, player in pairs(players:GetChildren()) do
local character = player.Character
if character then
local distanceVector = (player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - root.Position)
if not nearestPlayer then
nearestPlayer = player
distance = distanceVector.Magnitude
direction = distanceVector.Unit
elseif distanceVector.Magnitude < distance then
nearestPlayer = player
distance = distanceVector.Magnitude
direction = distanceVector.Unit
return nearestPlayer, distance, direction
local nearestPlayer, distance, direction = FindNearestPlayer()
if nearestPlayer then
if distance <= targetDistance and distance >= stopDistance then
I appricate it alot but is there a way to do this without humanoid? You know with a ball chasing you around if you are the nearest player?
I’m sorry if my explanation was a bit confusing and I thank you alot to think with me along and even help me. It means alot!
I found something related to this using BodyForce but it seems to be Deprecated. Even with it I would not know how to use it toward the goal I wish to reach.
You could use linear velocity and use CFrame.lookAt to constantly look at the player while the velocity pushes it forward (assuming part is unanchored)
If it’s anchored maybe just a loop of CFrame.new(part.Position, targetHRP.Position) * CFrame.new(0,0,1)