How to create a circle segment selection GUI

I want to try and create an circle selection GUI; like the attached image. (among us i know) I would like to know if it is possible, and if so then how. I’ve tried using images and text but it’s not a very good way of doing it as of how tricky it is to create each state.

Example image

Thank you!


Unfortunately, with Roblox, you can’t really design GUIs. I would suggest designing how you want it to look in a vector design tool (adobe illustrator or figma) and then breaking it up into the different pieces you want. Then, create image buttons or labels with those images on them. Again, its frustrating that you can’t really make GUIs very well on Roblox

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trust me there’s a lot you can do with canvasgroups and frames

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interesting challenge
i wasn’t sure if the whole section or just the text gets highlighted

i generated the lines with a script and created the selection (the red part) by rotating and positioning a couple of frames in a canvasgroup

i knew making this was possible but it would take a lot less time if you do what @Bloxlin_Dev suggested


Very good idea to use the script to generate the UI @BonesIsUseless

That actually makes me want to look more into generating RBX UI from a more standard design method.