How to create a development team

Howdy folks!

This post is dedicated to helping you find and create a development group, commonly known as a team. It will include:

  • tips on advertising your team
  • how to create a post effectively
  • why you should create a team
  • how to manage a team
  • and more!

I am hoping that this may come of use to some of you, so sit back and relax, enjoy this post!

Coming up with an idea…

So, you have decided to create a team, let’s start with a team idea! The idea can be what sort of games you are going to make, a team name idea, who runs the team etc, but for now, come up with the team name idea.

Below are some unused development team names if you want them!

Name ideas
  • Team Dream
  • Endevelopment
  • Ender Games
  • Fun Plus Dreams
  • Runtime Error
  • Thinking Incorporate (or Inc.)
  • Simulation Inc
  • Rocky Development
  • Blocudios
  • Streamline Entertainment

Another tip for creating a team name is to combine the names of each developer, if you want to try that! If so, you need developers, so scroll down to #FindingATeam

For example, Badimo


After this, you can come up with what style of game you are going to make! Feel more than free to come up with several game ideas, and pick your favourite!

Finding a team

Next step, finding a team! I would 100000% recommend using the developer forum for this one, because finding developers elsewhere can be a challenge! (unless you have developer friends)

First, go to #collaboration:recruitment or

This is the home for creating recruitment posts and gathering members for a team. Create a new post, then create a catchy title! Something like “i want every developer for game. big robux” is not going to catch many eyes. Instead, try something like:
(team name) is looking for developers! New game idea!” or something with excitement.

Next, you want to add yours tags. Add tags that are relevant to your needs, such as building or scripting etc. You will attract more specific people that way.

The forum has a default recruitment post, its an example but it is a strong example. It shows what you need, how to present it, and other tips.

(I would recommend, if you are new, to follow that and change details)


Perhaps create a small paragraph for each role and what they will be in charge of, e.g:

As the builder, you will be in charge of creating all the buildings, the scenery, the tiny details in the game that make it stand out. For buildings, we would need skyscrapers, shops, roads and other city like buildings. For scenery, we would need mountains, trees, clouds etc. Take the time you need, but we hope to release on (date)

You get the idea. :smiley:

Communicating with the developers

So, someone has found interest in your project and reached out to you on discord. Great! Once they say “Hi!”, that is when the conversation starts. Tips for you then:

  • Be professional - you are the leader, act like one
  • Be nice - if you want them to like you, be nice!
  • Ask questions regarding their history with the role - ask more about them to know what they can do!
  • Don’t be afraid to say no - if you don’t like their style, or they are just not right, don’t be afraid to tell them so, but tell them nicely

Final notes

Once you have your team assembled, make a place for them, such as a discord server. If you don’t have time or skill to make a nice one, at least make it organised. Create a channel for progress updates, one for highlights, one for devlog etc…

Keep communicating with them, keep them involved, check up on them and have fun!

Thank you all so much for reading this, and I hope to hear some feedback from you! Take care!


I have put some key points in bold to help you!

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The talent hub will “soon” replace the collaboration category.

You can add that as a side note.


Oh, i had no idea! Thank you, I shall add a note to that.