How to create a Earth model?

Can anyone pls help me with creating a Earth model in Roblox studio

Here is the image of the actual Earth model

Here is the result when I test it

The Earth model is not visible when I test it
Kindly anyone help me out asap

Thank & Regards


Is it unanchored and falling? Are you spawning inside it? It could be a one-sided mesh where you have to zoom out to see the outward-facing normals of the model.

It is anchored @MP3Face and if I place the spawning block inside the Earth on the baseplate, I’m spawning over there and not any where else.

Even I zoomed out to look at the overall mesh. Everything looks fine.

Is StreamingEnabled set to true in workspace?

Actually I don’t see any Streaming properties @bronsonman

Strange, is it just collapsed on yours? You can click that little arrow to bring down the properties.
Have you tried to see if the earth mesh is actually in workspace when you hit play?

It’s enabled (Sorry for the late response btw)

I actually don’t who how to express my question. Pls look at this video for more detail
robloxapp-20240521-2122166.wmv (2.2 MB)
(Don’t mind the last part of the video btw)
Pls let me know whether do I need to provide more details if the video is not understandable.

Increase the graphics, even if it could be laggier, you’re gonna be sure that those who play on higher graphics will see the earth model. The higher the graphics the more you can see parts further

ur probably inside the mesh so use double sided. ez fix

I don’t get your point. Could you pls be more specific

u said u were spawning inside earth. meshes dont show themselves when your looking from inside them u have to turn on doublesided on properties

Umm, I don’t think there is no problem due to that. In the video, you can see that we I die outside the Earth (I mean the Space), I could see the Earth model with no problem.

Yeah, if it’s a mesh, you can try enabling DoubleSided in the properties

Or just check while playtesting in studio if the earth model has 1 or 0 transparency

Well I don’t see it in the properties tab

you need to disable streaming enabled, if the model is super big then thr center of it will be fast away from you when you spawn in, so roblox doesnt load it in because of streaming enabled

another option is to put the model inside a model, then set the model’s streaming property to atomic

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I will just try that out. and let you know the results

These are all the stuffs that my Earth model has