How to create a friend system?

Hello everyone, I’ve been making a game that is in first person mode. I made an UI that prompts you to friend someone if they haven’t been if you click on their avatar. I’ve been researching on ways to accomplish this, but I’ve only seen people prompt an invite to a player not a friend request. Is there any way possible for this to be achieved? Additionally, I’ve seen a service called “FriendService”, but haven’t seen any reference towards to its purpose even in the Roblox documentation (unless I skipped something).


You can prompt people to send friend requests, unfriend, block and unblock a user as long as both users are in the same server at the same time. It is not currently possible to do it without them being in the same server. You can do this by using SetCore on the client.

Read this it should help: New SetCore Methods for prompting social actions

The interface of it is still really outdated I guess Roblox never updated it. That’s the only downside for me personally.

Same, i wish that there are new UIs for kind of those things.

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Thank you, this is exactly what I needed because yes, the players will be in the same server as the player has to click on the other “online” player to send a friend request in game. Thank you very much for your evaluation and solution!

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