How to create a map like this one

Hello, So I’m working on a strategy game where it’s inspired by a game called Hearts of Iron IV and I did the camera system of the game but the next development stage in my ToDo list is creating the map and it’s the main task now because I’ll put soliders, etc…

So I have no idea how to make a map like this

by the way, the map is selectable, as you see here


So should I 3d model the entire world’s provinces then import them into the studio and put some PBR textures for the terrain or any suggestion that maybe easier cuz I still have no idea how to 3d the ENTIRE world



kinda sad that creating a image label or button, even if you add a shaped map, the hitbox will be Blocky, this is extremely bad, because to make it work without overlapping edges to other maps sections you will need to do something like

-you can use math, coordinates, but idk how this stuff is made, never touched on that

–you can add like, 100 frames, depending on how shaped the ‘‘Map’’ is, and for example, London, would require 10~~16 small frames that will fit perfectly and will not overlap to other maps sections

now about the script, just name each ‘‘Frame segment’’ that is inside that section



since there is 16, for example:

do some for Mouse hovering Function, depending on the ‘‘Frame’’ that the mouse is being hovered,
do stuff according to the ‘‘Name of the frame’’, this is better than creating 99999 buttons on each frame and function

this was the nearest solution, hope roblox add already a feature and support shaped image labels and buttons, for the sake of smooth buttons and GUI

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Well it’s a good idea but yea as you know it will take forever, Like I guess 3d modeling the entire world won’t take more than this idea

there is another method, create a 3D modelled map, and when you select the ‘‘MAP’’, your camera will point towards the whole map (very smart)

and depending on which PART of the map you are selecting, something will happen ( in some function client-side) (for visuals)

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I understand you but like If I created a world 3d model then selected on a province how should this work then? Like taking a clone of this province then hover it when selecting it or should I model every single province in this planet then bulk import them then wait 25 centuries?

Just how I’d do it:

Put an alpha channel on each of the highlight overlays. Only make it 100% outside the region. (0%? I forget what value is invisible)
Detect the alpha value under the mouse pointer for all overlays. If only one overlay has a visible alpha value, enable it.

No, I can’t program this lol.

hmm, idk how you will model the map ( using blender, or Roblox studio )

but since you will create each ‘‘Segment of map’’ individually, then, let’s say:

you wish to select London, you can just zoom the camera on it, and clone or turn visible some pre-made models, after retuning to the map, just zoom out ( make sure the map is good on size, so shrinking other models will not be necessary

when you hover on London, since it is a ‘‘Individual model’’, it will highlight all parts inside London Model"

you don’t need to clone anything, just camera manipulation and some stuff

I understanded you, Nice Idea, This can let me use images instead of 3d modeling

ofc i’ll 3d model the world map in blender, and that’s a good idea too

Okay so I found out from 2 days ago that If you import .svg file in blender it converts it into 3d model so there’s a website called that has every single country’s svg image

world map:

uk map:


and that’s what I’ve did yet

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