I am working with a few friends on a Mount Everest related game. We want to create a massive mountain-scape to simulate what the real Mount Everest would be like. However, we cannot figure out how to create a mountain-scape of the size we want it. No, I’m not talking about the flimsy mountain terrain, I’m talking about a massive mountain, which will really emulate the real thing well. Does anyone know how we could do this in Studio?
I don’t understand. Terrains work more than fine. A mesh would look oddly weird when the player is climbing it.
Taking a mesh and sizing it up would just make it look low-Polly unless it was made with a large size and in that case, would be really difficult to upload since the mesh has a lot of triangles. I understand that you may not want to use terrain.
But, making meshes that would fit means you have to do a lot of mesh design. Meshes are not a safe option, they do work but their hitboxes and the number of triangles would be near impossible or extremely hard to make.
The terrain is also hard to manage but, the terrain tool on Roblox works very well, especially since meshes have a maximum size, and it would take you a long time to design the meshes.
My final words: Use the terrain tool, even if the terrain looks ugly. It’s easier and wouldn’t take you as long as re-creating it using meshes.
Get a plugin that converts PARTS into TERRAIN and that’s how you’d get the basics created super fast. You can afterwards use Terrain Editor to clean it up.