How to create a Nametag without removing the default Nametag

Hello, I created a script to have a Nametag, the problem is that when applying it, it removed the old default Nametag so the players can’t see the names of other players. I know it’s possible to create another TextLabel and put TextLabel = plr.Name but when I do that the names can’t be zoomed in from far. I would like to know if there is a solution to make my new Nametag complementary with the original Nametag (instead of deleting it). I put you a picture of what happens in game and the script below. Thanks !

local rep = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Clone = rep:WaitForChild("NameTag"):Clone()
local nametag = rep.NameTag 

		Clone.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(plr.Name).Head
		local head = char.Head
		local newtext = nametag:Clone() 
		local uppertext = newtext.UpperText
		local secondtext = newtext.SecondText
		local humanoid = char.Humanoid
		local wolves ="IntValue")
		humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = "None"
		while wait() do
		wolves.Value = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):FindFirstChild("Wolves").value
		newtext.Parent = head
		newtext.Adornee = head
        secondtext.Text = "/90"
		uppertext.Text = wolves.Value
			if uppertext.Text == "90" then 
				uppertext.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(49, 153, 26)
				secondtext.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(49, 153, 26)

Why not just create a billboard gui and position it above the default player name?

Because the names do not fit. I want to have the zoom on the name when two players are apart from each other. I have been looking for different solutions but obviously I don’t have the skills to do it. I thought maybe to make a clone of the head to have one head for the default nametag and the other for the new one, but I don’t know how to apply that either. Anyway, I have no idea

Maybe I am misreading it but you’ve set the DisplayDistanceType to None so it will never show up. You could set it to Viewer or Subject and create a range which will display the name as long as it’s within the range you’ve set.

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Lol it was so easy. I never thought of doing this (I’ve been stuck on this for 2 days I’m a new coder). I thank you so much!

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