How to create a new Baseplate with Team Create disabled!

When Roblox decided to turn on Team Create when creating on the New Page in the Roblox Studio, I SCREAMED cause it was too improperly executed.

I have a tip :bulb: although this might be unhelpful :tired_face: if you’re using such as the Default Templates. eww who uses that?

So open Studio Studio Settings by doing;
Alt + S or File > Studio Settings

In default, Studio page is opened already if it isn’t click the Studio. the one highlighted blue if u still cant find it

Go to the Advanced section and go the last item of it!


In the last item of Advanced you’ll see;
"File > New creates a place with Team Create off"

and there! Turn that on! Restart Studi and you’re done!

BUT :raised_back_of_hand: This will not work on the New Page in Roblox Studio!!!

this one:

this setting will only apply here:
(New / Ctrl + N)

okay! bye! :man_running::dash:

just to address some of you knew this already! but this is for some that don’t! :star_struck:

okay bye, again! :man_running::dash:


tysm, tbh I hate team create, I get why people use it, but for me it is absolutely useless.

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I feel like this update was unnecessary. When you create a baseplate, and you publish it, you get to turn on the team create option there. So, to me, it’s more of an annoying update. But I get the point to why bigger game development studios like this update

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You can also save a copy of the templates with File > Download a Copy, then, when you open the .rbxl, team create will not be enabled, regardless of this setting.

man discovers that rbxl dosent have team create because it cant have it anyway :scream:

Publishing it to roblox will also disable it

they should executed this update as option… or maybe if Group create a new game it will automatically enabled team create but if you made by a single account team create will disabled.