Good day, developers! I would like to ask regarding third-person camera ideas if y’all have some in mind. I’m trying to create a smooth camera from “ Blades & Buffoonery.”
What can I do to achieve this? I’ve been searching online for camera manipulation tutorials with some trigonometry, though none really helped that much.
are you talking about the smooth shift lock transition?
you can do this by copying the playermodule (in test mode) and then pasting it into starterplayerscripts
then go to around line 510 with the CameraModule:Update function and you can set the camera offset here with self.activeCameraController:SetMouseLockOffset()
then inside of this function pass some vector3 value object and then you can tween the value of that vector3value from a different script to have a smooth transition
A better solution is to use humanoid camera offset. Then send a ray to the right of the character, whatever it collides on is your position, unless it goes too far.
camera offset might be easier but you should use HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * forwardDistance and HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.RightVector * sidewaysDistance
to create the offset