I want the MyPart to be an area which gives the player a sword upon entering and takes it away when they leave. so that its a sort of pvp only spot.
this script doesnt do it, i added prints but the prints also dont show up.
-- Find the part that the player will enter
local part = game.Workspace.MyPart
-- Create a sword object
local sword = game.ServerStorage.MySword:Clone()
print("Created sword: " .. sword)
-- Create a function to give the player the sword when they enter the part
function giveSword(object)
print("giveSword called with object: " .. object)
-- Make sure the object is a player
if object:IsA("Player") then
-- Make sure the player doesn't already have the sword
if not object.Backpack:FindFirstChild(sword.Name) then
-- Give the player the sword
sword.Parent = object.Backpack
print("Gave sword to player: " .. object)
-- Create a function to take the sword away from the player when they leave the part
function takeSword(player)
print("takeSword called with player: " .. player)
-- Find the sword in the player's backpack
local playerSword = player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(sword.Name)
-- If the player has the sword, remove it from their backpack
if playerSword then
playerSword.Parent = nil
print("Took sword from player: " .. player)
-- Connect the giveSword and takeSword functions to the part's "Touched" event
-- Find the part that the player will enter
local part = game.Workspace.MyPart
-- Create a sword object
local sword = game.ServerStorage.MySword:Clone()
print("Created sword: " .. sword)
-- Create a function to give the player the sword when they enter the part
function giveSword(hit)
print("giveSword called with hit: " .. hit)
-- Find the player that touched the part
local player = hit.Parent
-- Make sure the player is a Humanoid
local humanoid = player:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if humanoid then
-- Make sure the player doesn't already have the sword
if not player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(sword.Name) then
-- Give the player the sword
sword.Parent = player.Backpack
print("Gave sword to player: " .. player)
-- Create a function to take the sword away from the player when they leave the part
function takeSword(hit)
print("takeSword called with hit: " .. hit)
-- Find the player that stopped touching the part
local player = hit.Parent
-- Find the sword in the player's backpack
local playerSword = player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(sword.Name)
-- If the player has the sword, remove it from their backpack
if playerSword then
playerSword.Parent = nil
print("Took sword from player: " .. player)
-- Connect the giveSword and takeSword functions to the part's "Touched" and "TouchEnded" events
Here, the player variable refers to his character model, if you want the player’s backpack, you must get his player object with: game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter()
But other than that, it should work.